Maker in DANSLOKAAL 8: Andreas Hannes

di 1 sep 2020

Dansateliers, één van de creatieve partners in DANSLOKAAL, schoof choreograaf Andreas Hannes naar voren voor de 8e editie van dit talentontwikkelingsproject. De van oorsprong Griekse choreograaf werkt in DANSLOKAAL 8 met dansers Remy Tilburg, Maud Huizing, Alberto Albanese en Laura Costa. We stelden Andreas enkele vragen over zijn werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Andreas: DANSLOKAAL is happening at a moment in my career in which I need the space to grow and expand my practices, as well as continuing to experiment in different conditions. In the last years, most of the time I’ve been performing in my work myself, physically diving in the worlds that I create, being both the maker and the embodiment.
In DANSLOKAAL, I have the opportunity to step back and understand how my practices can be formed by and travel through other bodies. I feel privileged to encounter new people, spaces and ways of moving. DANSLOKAAL is such an opportunity!

Dansers Remy Tilburg en Maud Huizing tijdens een repetitie voor DANSLOKAAL 8, foto: Salih Kilic

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
: The dancers of Conny Janssen Danst are absolutely wonderful. They did not hesitate a second to fall into my proposal for us to become family, without any delay or doubt. Since day one, we created an intimacy that I do not take for granted. I feel that they are open to communicate their process and understanding of what we are working on, despite the difficulties. It is beautiful to be with them in the struggles and the triumphs that my proposition is bringing and to witness how they recalibrate their bodies to fall into new streams of movement.

Dansers tijdens een repetitie voor DANSLOKAAL 8, foto: Salih Kilic

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Andreas: The performance is entitled “Warping Soul”. Warp is to bend or turn from the direction or course. To open space and time and move through it. In Star Trek for example, starships enter warp to travel. For the show, we start with a fantasy in which we are superheroes travelling at the speed of light, surrounded by a space that is in constant transit. In the mercy of external forces and gravity, we find a way to move within movement and navigate the distances.
This movement research is inspired by the practice of continuous skipping, as in skipping down the street, that I have been developing the last years.

Lees hier meer over het werk van Andreas Hannes en zijn bio.

>> Warping Soul van Andreas Hannes is van 23 t/m 27 juni 2021 te zien als onderdeel van KAAPSE ZOMER. Klik hier voor meer info & tickets.

Andreas Hannes and the dancers he worked with in DANSLOKAAL 8, photo © Salih Kilic
© Salih Kilic
foto: Salih Kilic|Dansers Maud Huizing en Remy Tilburg tijdens een repetitie voor DANSLOKAAL 8

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