Maker in DANSLOKAAL 6: Tu Hoang

di 28 aug 2018

Conny Janssen Danst zelf draagt choreograaf Tu Hoang voor in de 6e editie van dit talentontwikkelingstraject.  In DANSLOKAAL 6 werkt hij aan een nieuw stuk met dansers Romee van de Meent, Hiro Murata en Liza Wallerbosch. We stelden Tu enkele vragen over zijn werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Tu: This time DANSLOKAAL is actually my third time to be a part of the production. The first two times I was dancing in it, as I’m a dancer at Conny Janssen Danst. For me DANSLOKAAL is such a special show because i know how much unique and diversities it can bring to the audience. So, for me to participate in DANSLOKAAL as choreographer is such a great honor and an incredible opportunity.

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
Tu: As a dancer of Conny Janssen Danst myself it’s not an unfamiliar environment, so for me it’s great to create new work somewhere you feel comfortable. This time I work with dancers Hiro, Romee and Liza. I have to say that I’m very lucky because even though they are young, they are super talented dancers/movers. I can really try to maximize their potentials while having fun with our creativity.

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Tu: It’s a great opportunity this time for me to play with some ideas that I have stored in my head for awhile now, and I’m always fascinated about what the human body can do, so the piece will be more physical because I like to play with human’s figures and the virtuality of it. echoua With that the piece will have a lot of feelings by showing kindness or ego, and what can happens within a “society”. But the best of it is having fun with the team and enjoy the process of the making!

Lees hier meer over het werk van Tu Hoang en zijn bio.

t;> Humane van Tu Hoang is van 23 t/m 27 juni 2021 te zien als onderdeel van KAAPSE ZOMER. Klik hier voor meer info & tickets.

Foto: Rob Hogeslag

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