Nieuw in INSIDE OUT: Danser Tu Hoang

za 13 jan 2018

De succesvolle voorstelling INSIDE OUT uit 2015 gaat opnieuw op tour langs de Nederlandse theaters. Van de cast van 2018 – bestaande uit 13 dansers – zien we dit jaar maar liefst acht nieuwe gezichten. Eén ervan is de Vietnamese Tu Hoang (29). We spraken met hem over de samenwerking met Conny Janssen, zijn danscollega’s en de musici, het repetitieproces en zijn favoriete scène.

Have you seen INSIDE OUT in 2015? And what did you think of it back then?
Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to watch INSIDE OUT in 2015. At that time I was already very interested in Conny Janssen Danst. I saw the trailer back then and I was thinking like “wow, it would be so cool to dance this piece”

What does it mean for you to work with Conny Janssen, her team and the musicians on INSIDE OUT?
As I mentioned before I was very interested in this piece after watching the trailer. When I heard Conny Janssen Danst would do this production again, I was very happy and excited to be a part of the show. And of course like always, it’s very inspiring to be surrounded by all the amazing people. I’m curious about where this journey is going to take us as artists and human beings.

What have you discovered during the rehearsal process?
In every rehearsal process I always try to test my limits. If I can go further than who I was, try to renew myself in thinking outside the box. To see what else I can do that I didn’t know. INSIDE OUT is giving me a lot of challenges, so it’s a great opportunity for me in order to become a better dancer and artist.

Tu Hoang en Mitchell-lee van Rooij tijdens repetities. Foto: Rob Hogeslag

What is your favourite part in INSIDE OUT? Why?
As I am not from the original cast, I think in general it’s harder to learn a piece that has already been created, compared to working on a new creation from scratch on. Because it’s difficult to learn someone elses qualities and we have a lot to catch up with the original cast because they danced this choreography a thousand times before us.
Fortunately this time Conny didn’t copy the piece completely. She gave us a chance to keep on creating further on the piece and see if it can go further and  deeper than three years ago.
I got the chance to create a duet together with Mitchell (-lee Van Rooij). It has become my favorite part of the performance, because it represents who I am pretty much. And Mitchell is a fantastic partner, we are having a lot of fun dancing this part!

INSIDE OUT is van 12 januari t/m 29 april 2018 te zien in maar liefst 44 theaters in Nederland.
Lees hier alles over INSIDE OUT, check tourdata en bestel tickets

|Tu Hoang en Mitchell-lee van Rooij tijdens repetities
Foto: Rob Hogeslag


Tu Ngoc Hoang


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