Dansateliers, één van de creatieve partners in DANSLOKAAL, schoof choreograaf Ian Yves Ancheta naar voren voor de 9e editie van dit talentontwikkelingsproject. Waar Ian in seizoen 18/19 in het kader van ROOM FOR TALENT nog meedanste in DANSLOKAAL 6 en BROOS, is hij nu terug als choreograaf. Ian werkt in DANSLOKAAL 9 met dansers Ovidi Álvarez Ferré (stage) en Liza Wallerbosch. We stelden hem enkele vragen over zijn werk in DANSLOKAAL.
What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Ian: It means that I get to work with some of the best dancers in the Netherlands and that I get to showcase my work to a larger audience. It is an honor to work at Conny Janssen Danst and I can’t wait to share this new adventure!
What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
Ian: Ovidi and Liza are incredible dancers, they are so open minded and unafraid of new challenges. Working with them is like a rapid test. Whatever ideas I want to try, they pick it up and the results come fast! This is great, because it means that I can spend less time worrying about movements and minor details, instead I have more time to think and search for a deeper layer in everything we do.
Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Ian: Initiated from the feeling of eagerness, our piece plays with a very sensual and expressive physicality with which we hope to seduce the audience. You can expect a lot of searching, caring and negotiation between the performers.
Lees hier meer over het werk van Ian Yves Ancheta en zijn bio.
Do 9 sep t/m zo 12 sep & Do 16 sep t/m zo 19 sep
Huis Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam
Di 5 okt t/m wo 13 nov
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