Maker in DANSLOKAAL 5: Lana Čoporda

wo 13 sep 2017

Dansateliers, één van de creatieve partners in DANSLOKAAL, schoof choreograaf Lana Čoporda naar voren voor de 5e editie van dit talentontwikkelingsproject en geeft haar hiermee de kans nieuw werk te ontwikkelen met de dansers van Conny Janssen Danst. Lana werkt in DANSLOKAAL 5  met dansers Laura Belgrano, Célinne Moza en Nina Plantefève-Castryck. We stelden haar enkele vragen over haar werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Lana: It’s a great chance for me to get in touch with a company structure, see how an institution deals with creative process. The possibility to have so many shows is rare and I value it very much. It is a great chance to outreach with my work. I am curious to see how Conny Janssen Danst’s audience will experience my work.

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
: It has been a very inspiring journey with three beautiful women. They are generous human beings and move powerfully and gracefully. I am inviting them into a journey of dance research, so developing a work through testing new ways of approaching the body, how it moves and what it radiates. It has been challenging for me and for them, we found a very transparent and harmonious exchange, where we can challenge each other.

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
: Oh lets see, it’s a piece about moving deeper into yourself. It is a piece that questions how we treat our emotions and each other. It is a work that, in some way celebrates emotional depth and its intensity. Something between sitting at the river, looking at you inner monster, curling up in bed and loving/daring exchange through touch. I dont want to say more 🙂

Lees hier meer over het werk van Lana Čoporda en haar bio.

Do 21 sep t/m zo 24 sep & Do 28 sep t/m zo 1 okt
20.30 uur, Studio Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

Wo 18 okt t/m Do 2 nov
In verschillende theaters in Nederland!



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