Maker in DANSLOKAAL 9: Astrid Boons

wo 1 sep 2021

Korzo, één van de creatieve partners in DANSLOKAAL, schoof choreograaf Astrid Boons naar voren voor de 9e editie van dit talentontwikkelingsproject en geeft haar hiermee de kans nieuw werk te ontwikkelen met de dansers van Conny Janssen Danst. Astrid werkt in DANSLOKAAL 9 met dansers  Yanaika Holle, Maud Huizing, Hiro Murata en Sophie Tukker (stage). We stelden haar enkele vragen over haar werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Astrid: It’s a great opportunity for several reasons. During this pandemic it has been challenging to create, so it feels fantastic to be back in the studio with great dancers and develop a new work. I feel a lot of support from the company in all areas, which is wonderful. In addition to that, DANSLOKAAL has a lot of visibility because it travels to many cities within The Netherlands. This gives time for the work to keep developing and for the dancers to grow in it and keep finding different things for themselves.

Maud Huizing, Yanaika Holle, Sophie Tukker en Hiro Murata tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
: It has been a great experience to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst. The dancers have been very open and curious throughout the whole process, which I don’t take for granted. My work demands an intense concentration and it can be challenging mentally and physically. The dancers have been diving into the creative process and every day has been hard work but also hard laughter!

Yanaika Holle e.a. tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Astrid: I’m inviting you into an emotional landscape where different states are created through movement, sound and lights. They are multi-layered and transform slowly. I don’t want to set fixed expectations in terms of what you are going to see. Instead, I want to invite the audience to experience the world I present and reflect for your self how you feel and respond to that world.

Lees hier meer over het werk van Astrid Boons en haar bio.

Do 9 sep t/m zo 12 sep & Do 16 sep t/m zo 19 sep
Huis Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

Di 5 okt t/m wo 13 nov
In verschillende theaters in Nederland!

Maud Huizing tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç
DANSLOKAAL 9: Astrid Boons. foto: Salih Kiliç|Maud Huizing
Yanaika Holle
Sophie Tukker en Hiro Murata tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç|Yanaika Holle e.a. tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç|Maud Huizing tijdens een repetitie. foto: Salih Kiliç

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