Maker in DANSLOKAAL 8: Antonin Rioche

di 1 sep 2020

Korzo, één van de creatieve partners in DANSLOKAAL, schoof choreograaf Antonin Rioche naar voren voor de 8e editie van dit talentontwikkelingsproject en geeft hem hiermee de kans nieuw werk te ontwikkelen met de dansers van Conny Janssen Danst. Antonin werkt in DANSLOKAAL 8  met dansers Adi Amit, Martijn Kappers en Mariko Shimoda. We stelden hem enkele vragen over zijn werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Antonin: I feel really honored to work with the dancers in such a beautiful building/studio! It means a lot to me. This is my first experience as a choreographer creating in a company. Every day I learn more and more about my way of translating ideas into movements for others.

Repetitie DANSLOKAAL 8 met Antonin Rioche, foto: Salih Kilic

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
: Working with this group of experienced and creative dancers is absolutely amazing. All dancers are very involved in the creative process and their input is essential for me as a choreographer.

Repetitie DANSLOKAAL 8 met Antonin Rioche, foto: Salih Kilic

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Antonin: This piece speaks about love, its beauty, and its cruelty. To tell you more about this piece, I should probably start by the end. When the boy is alone and left behind in front of the spectator, Oscar Wilde said that we destroy the thing we love the most and it’s often true. Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to and love leaves exactly when love must.

Lees hier meer over het werk van Antonin Rioche en zijn bio.

Do 17 sep t/m zo 20 sep & Do 24 sep t/m zo 27 sep
Huis Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

Di 6 okt t/m za 7 nov
In verschillende theaters in Nederland!

Antonin Rioche met de dansers waarmee hij werkt in DANSLOKAAL 8
foto: Salih Kilic|Repetitie DANSLOKAAL 8 met Antonin Rioche

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