Op 29 mei j.l. vertegenwoordigde Francesco Curci ons gezelschap met een solo op ParkDans, in het project Solo Ampro. Lees hieronder zijn verslag en bekijk de video!
The process for the Ampro Solo Project was very challenging and inspiring. The short time available and the diverse backgrounds of the dancers made us approach the choreographic process in a special way. It was a pleasure working with Kim Leeuw and I found the exchange of information, opinions, feelings etc. extremely interesting.
The stadswandelpark was the perfect informal setting to connect the general public with the wide range of styles that dance has to offer. I hope the ParkDans Festival is able to continue on well into the future, bridging the connection between amateurs and proffessional dance.
I would like to thank Conny Janssen and Allies Swinnen for the great opportunity.


Check out the Solo I made for Kim Leeuw:

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