Danseres Adi Amit over INSIDE OUT toen en nu

do 11 jan 2018

De succesvolle voorstelling INSIDE OUT uit 2015 gaat opnieuw op tour langs de Nederlandse theaters. Van de cast uit 2015, bestaande uit 13 dansers, zien we dit jaar 5 dansers terug. Eén ervan is de Israëlische Adi Amit. We spraken met haar over de voorstelling, het repetitieproces en de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen toen en de remake in 2018.

What are keywords for you in INSIDE OUT?
Peeling layers, structure versus individuality and finding your own colour in the mass.

What have you discovered during the rehearsal process?
I notice that taking distance and the years that passed since 2015 changed my approach in dancing, rehearsing and myself.

What is your favorite part in INSIDE OUT?
The beginning, we call it the shoulder frase. In this part we really have to use the brain, have to be sharp on the mind. I like the breathing and physicality that is needed to do this correct. And my solo, because I feel in this part I can tell my personal story. It feels ‘naked’ and vulnerable to be there, all alone on the stage, and I like how challenging it is to keep this part growing.

Foto: Rob Hogeslag

How is the rehearsal process different from the rehearsals in 2014/2015?
Conny is searching for more humanity now, compared to the technical, physical and structural approach in 2015. She asks for more softness, using the individual qualities of the dancers, so that what we do is even more touching and emotional.

Can you bring another part of yourself in INSIDE OUT now, compared to INSIDE OUT in 2015?
The proces Conny experienced in the past 3 years fits me as well. Back then I was really trying to show all of my technique, had the feeling I had to proof myself, being harder on my self. Now I feel more calm, I have more trust and faith, which changed my focus. By not forcing too hard, I reach places I haven’t discovered before. That is very joyful!

INSIDE OUT is van 12 januari t/m 29 april te zien in maar liefst 44 theaters in Nederland.
Lees hier alles over INSIDE OUT, check tourdata en bestel tickets

|Foto: Rob Hogeslag


Adi Amit


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