Deze Backstage pagina neemt de bezoeker ook mee achter de schermen van Conny Janssen Danst. Vanaf nu zullen dansers en medewerkers je een kijkje gunnen in de wereld van de studio, repetities, busreizen, kantoorwerkzaamheden en nog veel meer! Aan danser Gideon Poirier de eer om het eerste bericht te schrijven. Lees hier over zijn ervaringen tijdens de tournee van VUIL&GLASS.

On March 26th we had a show in Amersfoort. It stared as a normal day for most dancer, I got up and left the house to go to class. I live in Amsterdam and have to travel to Rotterdam, so I sat in the train and read until I arrived at Rotterdam Central. We took an hour and fifteen minute ballet class before getting on the Conny Janssen bus to travel to the the show. We had performed in the theater before, so finding the dressing rooms and the stage were easy. The technical crew, which is amazing, had finished building the set and preparing the lights. It looked great, and I am always amazed at how quickly the tech boys work! We had a small break to prepare for the spacing rehearsal. The spacing went well. We changed a couple of things to accommodate a few injuries, but no big deal. The show started at quarter over eight, before that I needed to eat a bit, do my hair, dress and warmup again. The show went great, we had a good public. Mostly it was nice to be on stage with the other dancers!


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