12 nov ’23: Workshops Xanthe van Opstal (Gaga) & Uri Eugenio

HUIS Conny Janssen Danst

zo 12 nov 2023

Twee workshops in één dag: Xanthe van Opstal en Uri Eugenio delen hun bewegingstaal tijdens eigen workshops op zondag 12 november in HUIS Conny Janssen Danst

11.00 – 14.00 uur: Gaga Workshop Xanthe van Opstal
14.00 – 15.00 uur: Pauze
15.00 – 18.00 uur: Workshop Uri Eugenio

Locatie: HUIS Conny Janssen Danst (Dolf Henkesplein 3, Rotterdam)

PRIJS: €40 (Totaalprijs voor beide workshops samen: er zijn geen losse tickets beschikbaar)


About the choreographers

Xanthe van Opstal
Xanthe (31) was a dancer with Netherlands Dance Theater (NDT) and the Batsheva Dance Company. She worked with leading choreographers, amongst them are Marco Goecke, Johan Inger, Paul Lightfoot, Ohad Naharin and others. Xanthe became a certified Gaga teacher in 2016. Currently, she is part of a collective called ‘OFF projects’ who create interdisciplinary performances. Amos Ben Tall is the artistic director of the collective.

Uri Eugenio

Uri Eugenio is a dancer, teacher, coach and choreographer based in Amsterdam. He completed his studies at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg, The Netherlands. He has worked with dance companies and choreographers such as Scapino Ballet, LeineRoebana, David Middendorp and Nanine Linning. He has performed in many cities across Europe, Asia and the United States. He has appeared in several TV shows including “Dancing Queen”and “So You Think You Can Dance”. In 2014, Uri was nominated for “De Zwaan” for best dance performer. His choreographic work could be seen at events such as Oerol Festival, Grachten Festival, Oranjewoud Festival, Zingende Beelden and Klaterklanken Festival.

He has now dedicated himself to creating solo work and work in collaboration with artists from other disciplines. His two most recent projects are ‘Suite B.’ a collaboration with cellist Pieter de Koe and ‘Between Intimacy and Alienation’ a collaboration with visual artist Noam Ben-Jacov. With his carefully thought out choreographies and vast qualities as a performer he connects with his audience on a basic human level.


Xanthe van Opstal
Uri Eugenio

About the workshops

Xanthe van Opstal (Gaga)

The workshop by Xanthe will start with a Gaga class. Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. It provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body, adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination. Gaga raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimination. We use improvisation to explore movement qualities that will incorporate the skills that are beneficial for learning a choreographic phrase in the second part of the workshop.

Uri Eugenio

The workshop by Uri will focus on individuality, body awareness and awareness of the space. It starts with a series of ongoing movements that alternate between awakening the body as a whole and focusing on smaller details and articulations. It then shifts to a task-based improvisation, working with different initiation points of the body, while focusing on the amplitude and frequency of the movements. The workshop will end with a ‘body parts roulette’ and a movement phrase from one of his solo works.


Tickets workshop Uri Eugenio and Xanthe van Opstal



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