Conny Janssen Danst zelf draagt choreograaf Jason Mabana voor in de 7e editie van DANSLOKAAL. In DANSLOKAAL 7 werkt Jason aan een nieuw stuk met dansers Martijn Kappers, Hiro Murata en Maud Huizing. We stelden hem enkele vragen over zijn ervaringen met dit talentontwikkelingstraject.
What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Jason: Being a choreographer at DANSLOKAAL is giving me the opportunity to create a piece in a safe and comfortable environment. Apart from making a piece as a result of the project. Conny Janssen Danst is facilitating the process by giving support in communication, media, lighting and lots of different aspects which are a part of the process to make a work. But mostly details that take time, and here it is given to us. It is absolutely amazing to be able to be one of the choreographers this year for DANSLOKAAL, I am surrounded by a great team which makes this project very special and unique. I can only thanks Conny Janssen Danst for giving me this platform in Holland.
What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
Jason: The dancers in Conny Janssen Danst are very quick in picking up new informations. It has been such an easy process to share my choreographic language and they have absorbed it with such ease. What I love about the dancers is of course the friendship, the trust that is established between them but also their willingness in trying new things, to challenge each other in new ways, and the constant desire in supporting my practice and changing perhaps some of their habits to adapt to my material. It is such a pleasure to work with such detailed, hard working , and thoughtful dancers.
Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Jason: The piece is looking at some of our intrusive, and obsessive thoughts. The audience can expect to see a fast paced work with moments that will feel organized and logical but also some other that will feel perhaps incomprehensible and frantic.
Lees hier meer over het werk van Jason Mabana en zijn bio.
Do 5 sep t/m zo 8 sep & Do 12 sep t/m zo 15 sep
20.30 uur, Studio Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam
Wo 18 sep t/m wo 2 okt
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