Foto © Martijn Kappers

Another Moment Ago

Marta & Kim|De Parade Rotterdam, Den Haag & Utrecht

26 Jun - 11 Aug 2024


7:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

9:30 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

7:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

9:30 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

7:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

9:30 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

7:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

9:30 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

6:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

9:00 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

In a choreography for three dancers, the Norwegian/Dutch maker duo Marta & Kim merge circus and dance into an experience of slowing down, speeding up, zooming in and out in order to capture moments in time. Do we travel in our thoughts to the future or do we continue to wander in the past?

In the annual DANSLOKAAL, Conny Janssen Danst, in collaboration with partners from the dance world, paves the way for novice dance makers. The Dutch/Norwegian duo Marta & Kim was put forward by Dansateliers in 2023 and was thus given the opportunity to develop a new choreography in collaboration with the professional dancers of the Rotterdam company.

Another Moment Ago can be seen in varying casts at Theater Festival De Parade in the summer of 2024 in:
– Rotterdam (June 26-30)
– Den Haag (July 5-9)
– Utrecht (Aug 7-11)
> Times & tickets soon via this website and the website of De Parade.

© Martijn Kappers
© Martijn Kappers
© Martijn Kappers
© Martijn Kappers
Foto © Pien Düthmann
Repetitie voor Another Moment Ago uit DANSLOKAAL 11. © Pien Düthmann

Another Moment Ago
Our time perception depends on when it occurs and where we find ourselves. Another Moment Ago delves into our awareness of time. Is time something personal, a collective feeling, or is it our consciousness that determinates the rhythm?

Undeniably acrobatic figures that increase the risk of certain configurations, giving them a dangerous edge in this controlled and beautifully breathable performance.
This choreography deftly depicts the concept ['connection']: each part of this chain can take the lead and alternately each dancer can become a burden, support, obstacle or basis for the other.


Marta & Kim about DANSLOKAAL 11

About the choreographers: Marta & Kim

Marta and Kim are a Dutch/Norwegian duo, combining circus and dance into their performances. They are interested in human connection, which is the base for their partnering work. They play with seemingly impossible figures that speak to the imagination, while staying in touch with the fragility of being human.

Marta Alstadsæter (NO, 1990) and Kim-Jomi Fischer (NL, 1985) are working together as performers and makers since 2016. Since 2017 they have been in collaboration with Dansateliers in Rotterdam, while also maintaining connections in the North of Norway through Dansearena Nord and the Arctic Arts Festival.

Read more about Marta & Kim



Marta & Kim


Tommy Heeffer Kenji van Nieuwenhuizen Enorah Schwaar Pedro Correia


Rutger Zuydervelt (Machinefabriek) / Mastering: Marlon Wolterink






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Makers in DANSLOKAAL 11: Marta & Kim