Unman © Martijn Kappers


Patricia van Deutekom|De Parade Rotterdam, Den Haag & Utrecht

26 Jun - 11 Aug 2024


8:15 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie Marta & Kim

8:15 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie: Patrica van Deutekom

8:15 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie: Patrica van Deutekom

8:15 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie: Patrica van Deutekom

7:45 PM

Utrecht De Parade

Performance Choreografie: Patrica van Deutekom

For Unman, one of the three DANSLOKAAL contributions from 2023, Patricia van Deutekom conducted research with four dancers from Conny Janssen Danst into both masculinity and femininity, an inquiry into characteristics, behaviour and preferences attributed to the various genders. Unman liberates the dancers from the fixed pattern, freed from expectations but yearning for something to hold on to. The result? A showdown in dance that takes place in a world in which fraternity and distrust meet to explore one another; where strength and vulnerability interact.

In the annual DANSLOKAAL, Conny Janssen Danst, in collaboration with partners from the dance world, paves the way for novice dance makers. Patricia van Deutekom – artistic director of LAVA Collective – was given the opportunity to develop this new choreography in the 2023 edition. Unman is an exciting and intriguing statement in which van Deutekom finds the fragile balance between pushing and dancing, falling and catching, stroking and grabbing.

Na het succesvolle DANSLOKAAL debuut, toerde Unman dit voorjaar al door Nederland in de doublebill Homme. In de zomer van 2024 duikt Unman op tijdens Theaterfestival De Parade in:

After the successful DANSLOKAAL debut, Unman toured the Netherlands this spring in the doublebill Homme. In the summer of 2024, Unman will be back during Theater Festival De Parade in:
– Rotterdam (June 26-30)
– Den Haag (July 5-9)
– Utrecht (Aug 7-11)
> Times & tickets soon via this website and the website van De Parade.

© Martijn Kappers
Unman | © Martijn Kappers
© Martijn Kappers
Unman © Martijn Kappers
© Martijn Kappers
Van Deutekom finds the fragile balance between pushing and dancing, falling and catching, stroking and grabbing. With Unman, guest choreographer Patricia van Deutekom seems to feel at home with Conny Janssen Danst. De Volkskrant
Patricia van Deutekom creates an exciting and intriguing statement with the quartet Mia Bourhis, Davide Carraciola, Pommelien van Hees and Mattia Trematerra. Theaterkrant

Patricia van Deutekom about DANSLOKAAL 11



Patricia van Deutekom


Mia Bourhis Davide Caracciolo Sara Mistrorigo Mattia Trematerra


Richard van Kruysdijk




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Maker in DANSLOKAAL 11: Patricia van Deutekom