Maker in DANSLOKAAL 11: Rutkay Özpinar

Wed 14 Sep 2022

In the seventh edition he was already one of the choreographers who created new work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst: four years later, Korzo selects choreographer Rutkay Özpinar again for DANSLOKAAL 11. This time he works with dancers Michele Simi and Hinako Yukimoto (intern). We asked him some questions about his creation process.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Rutkay: It is a great pleasure to be part of DANSLOKAAL, because this program offers choreographers the space and freedom to bring their artistic vision to life and show this throughout the country.

Repetitie voor DANSLOKAAL 11 © Pien Düthmann

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
Rutkay: For my new creation I collaborate with Michele Simi and Hinako Yukimoto. Two beautiful dancers, each with a strong identity. They are very creative and work with dedication. They inspire me enormously, creating beautiful moments that are of great value to creation. My movement language and method are very specific and take time to master. It’s impressive to see how quickly they end up in my world!

Repetitie voor DANSLOKAAL 11 © Pien Düthmann

Can you tell us what the audience can expect when they see your work in DANSLOKAAL?
Rutkay: My movement language is unique and shaped by various elements from modern dance, classical ballet, hip-hop and Turkish folk dance. This will also be visible in the end result. I am inspired by the cadence created by music. As a subject I work from the essence of our existence as humans who cannot find peace in this world. I abstract this within my work, making it open to interpretation and everyone can experience the performance in his/her/x own way. In this performance, two dancers find themselves in a space who are seduced by tension and try to deal with it. Inspired by abrupt human mood changes, they dive into another world where inexplicable things happen.

Read more about Rutkay Özpinar and his work.

DANSLOKAAL 11 at festival De Nederlandse Dansdagen
Fri 29 & Sat 30 Sep
Kumulus, Maastricht

DANSLOKAAL 11 in HUIS Conny Janssen Danst
Thu Oct 5 t/m Sun Oct 15
HUIS Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

DANSLOKAAL 11 on tour
Thu Oct 5 to Sun Oct 15
In different cities in The Netherlands


Rutkay Özpinar, Marta & Kim and Patricia van Deutekom|Theatre tour

Read more

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