Alfred van der Meulen

Modern dance and mime theatre are favourites for me within the theatre scene; as a visitor but certainly also in my role as a theatre technician/lighter. Since 2012, I have been self-employed and keep a secret list of companies I would like to work for for a while. That list may be secret, but I can tell you that working for Conny Janssen Danst has fulfilled another wish. Alfred van der Meulen

Alfred van der Meulen


Photo above: Janko Duinker

Can be seen in


Dalton Jansen|Pop-up tour Rotterdam & Schiedam

NEXT | So far, so good.

Antonin Comestaz|Pop-up tour Rotterdam & Amsterdam


Rutkay Özpinar, Marta & Kim and Patricia van Deutekom|Theatre tour


Three weeks of dance in Rotterdam|HUIS Conny Janssen Danst