June 3 ’23: Workshop Astrid Boons

Posted: Wed 17 May 2023

For the talent development project DANSLOKAAL 9, Astrid Boons made the work ‘Now you can swallow her’ with dancers from Conny Janssen Danst. Soon she will be back in HUIS Conny Janssen Danst: on Saturday 3 June she will give a workshop for dance professionals and you will get a chance to dive into her movement language.

About the workshop

Astrid approaches the body as a space of discovery, as a territory that has fragile borders, which expand into other physical spaces and realities. Astrid about the workshop:
“Through improvisation tasks we will empty the body from its meaning and acquired knowledge so that we can start to reencounter the world from a new sensory space. We will work on sensorial experiments and guided improvisations which will lead the participants through processes of self-discovery. We will focus on inner exploration, increasing the physical awareness and encourage you to expand the understanding of your body.”

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