22 April ’23: Workshop Min Li

Posted: Wed 29 Mar 2023

Min Li is one of the teachers of the Open Class (ballet) in Huis Conny Janssen Danst. On Saturday 22 April he will give a workshop for dance professionals with a focus on finding the connection between body and mind.

The choreographer

Min Li trained in traditional Chinese dance and joined the National Ballet of China. During his studies in America he joined the Batsheva Ensemble and after his studies he started working as a dancer and choreographer at Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. Min likes to share his knowledge and understanding of dance with others. Joy and the passion to move are very important: dance should be fun, not the mechanic routine of daily practice.



About the workshop

Min Li’s workshop focuses on the connection between internal coordination and external expression. How to play between visible and invisible space, how energy leads to movement, what is the intention of different parts of the muscles and joints? Where is the structure and the foundation, and where is the freedom?
Min focuses on the interaction between energy, space and time and communication with other people in the room. He does this through movement: open, playful and intuitive, without pre-choreographed ideas. The workshop is a training for connection between body and mind.

Date: April 22, 2023
Time: 11.00 AM to 14.00 PM
Choreographer: Min Li
Location: Huis Conny Janssen Danst (Dolf Henkesplein 3, Rotterdam)
Price: €20


Tickets workshop Min Li

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