Canceled – 17 March 2024: Workshop Sunday with Davide Bellotta

Posted: Thu 29 Feb 2024

Workshop Sunday in HUIS Conny Janssen Danst: Davide Ballotta shares his movement language during his own workshop on Sunday March 17.

Program: 11:00 – 14:00
Location: HUIS Conny Janssen Danst (Dolf Henkesplein 3, Rotterdam)
Price: €25

About the workshop:
Davide works with guided improvisation. He is interested in the human aspect of dance and the communication between people. What emotions are generated by certain movements and what impact does the actions of the people around us have on what we do? What feelings do we get when we touch and dance together?

Davide about his workshop:
“Starting from simplicity we will first connect to our human side and then try to bring complexity in movements without losing our authenticity. Everything we do matters and it has an impact on the room we are in, on others and on ourselves.
With introspection and self-discovery we will research where our uniqueness begins. We will create movements inspired by personal stories and fears, a quest to discover the movement qualities that set us apart. It is in these stories and our response to fear that we often find the purest quality of movement that sets us apart from each other.
As we embark on this exploration, we’ll find ourselves interconnected with each other, while each approaching the world from a unique point.
Through improvisation, we discover how these differences create a beautiful tapestry of human experience. We are all so different, yet fundamentally the same, sharing a common human experience.”

Davide Bellotta is an Italian dancer, choreographer, teacher, composer, musician and filmmaker. Since 2010, he is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Davide started his career as a dancer in 2006. Since then he has danced in several companies and projects throughout Europe, including Conny Janssen Danst between 2010 and 2019.
At the moment he is a dancer, performer and house composer at Panama Pictures, he collaborates as a filmmaker and choreographer with Conny Janssen Danst, he works as a freelance choreographer and electronic music composer and has his own film company (Three Hands).
He worked as a choreographer for Conny Janssen Danst, Kannon Dance, Fontys, Codarts, Internationale Opernwerkstatt Werdenberg, iET and Cornelia Huber.


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