Manouk Schrauwen

Manouk Schrauwen

Artist in residence & Teacher Contemporary

Manouks classes work from modern and modern-jazz technics and are also influenced by house dance.
Manouk: “My language is based on musicality, groove, dynamic changes, improvisation, spacial movement patterns and using the extremities in your body. Also the social context in dance is very important to me. I hope to see you there and move together!

Manouk Schrauwen lives in Rotterdam. She is a dancer, choreographer and teacher. She currently works as a dancer with Kalpanarts and Misiconi Company. Her piece “Emily” at Misiconi Company will premier in October ’23. Manouk teaches at dance academies such as Codarts Rotterdam and works with Lava Collective.

Check our calender to see when you can join Manouks classes.

Calender for professionals